Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Don't Try To Understand Them, They Make No Sense

Now, today I had this great idea. I thought since everyone on the staff had a bunch of geegaws to hang on a lanyard around their neck to bear witness to their having completed the iHCPL exercises, they'd be willing to play a game of chance and use them for chips, winner take all. See, I think that whoever got to wear all of them on a chain around their neck could be voted "High Roller Of The Week" and be lauded as such. I mean, I'm talking about a weekly card game like Bouree where there's a pot and you bet against it until someone takes the lot. Imagine my suprise when I discovered that the majority of my colleagues would not hear of it and did not want to let anyone be the High Roller Of The Week, now or in the future. It sounded like a good plan to me. Maybe they have all been reformed or something and attended meeting to stop them from casual gambling. Perhaps I am surrounded by library automatons, like the workers in "Metropolis". What a frightening thought!

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